Kemi Nelson denies collecting N75m from Remi Tinubu to organize a protest against Dino Melaye
She however confirmed that she and a group of women will be staging a protest in Abuja tomorrow against Dino Melaye
“We are moving to Abuja in full force to be part of this protest against Melaye for harassing a woman of substance like Senator Tinubu, whose family paid a huge price for our democracy. Our democracy is still nascent and we must do everything within our power to protect it. We should not allow people like Melaye to rubbish what took years and cost us several lives to achieve. What Melaye did was not just against Senator Tinubu, but against all women and against our democracy. We will not behave like Nero, who sleeps, while Rome burns. All right thinking members of the society must rise against this oppression and an open insult against women by a man that has done little or nothing for our democracy. We cannot pretend that nothing is happening, when such a sacrilege is being committed in our country. With what Melaye has done, he has been demystified and he should be recalled by his people without any delay. We cannot keep quiet at this material time. As Professor Wole Soyinka would say; ‘the man dies, who keeps silent in the face of tyranny”the statement read
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