Information reaching IGBERETV from the Deputy Cordinator of all Cordinators of the Indigenous People of Biafra has it that the Nigerian government absconded from

the court proceedings owing to calibre of lawyers and towering support from Biafrans all wearing their T-shirts.

You will recall that the Nigerian government had dragged the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) to court in New York in June 2015, in one of the president Mohammadu Buhari visit to the white house.
Due to the share number of Biafran supporters both (Biafrans and non Biafrans) that came out in their hundreds wearing Biafran T-Shirts to show their solidarity in Biafran course. Nigerian government sensing a lost battle on their side, abandoned their lawyer and ran away from New York court and the case was dismissed.
“Nigeria ran away from New York court and case was dismissed. We are deliberating a counter suit for damages. There is a large turnout of Biafrans in the court and we are all wearing our T-Shirts” Dr. Clifford Iroanya told IGBERETV.
The Genesis.
Nigerian government, under Muhammadu Buhari, had set up an agent to distract Biafrans in the USA who had promised to demonstrate against him whenever he visited the USA.
Before the visit, it was revealed on good authority that the Nigerian President has been scared stiff of Biafran demonstrators, having been confronted by them in his past, where they completely humiliated him. So when he finally visited the USA in July last year, the Biafrans did demonstrate and the agent his government sent did not disappoint. In fact, the agent appeared and tried to cause confusion amongst the demonstrators. But it backfired. It happened that while Buhari was inside the White House meeting with Barack Obama, the USA President and his officials; Biafrans were outside the building demonstrating.
They were singing Biafran solidarity songs, flying Biafran flags, and taunting Buhari for his unfitting leadership of an expired country. As they sang and danced, they displayed placards showing the Nigerian ruler as a pedophile, an illiterate, a murderer, a terrorist and a dictator. It was at this point that the agent appeared and started taking pictures of them. Undaunted the Biafrans sang and danced away to the delight of onlookers. They told the agent that they were not bothered because all they wanted was freedom for Biafra and for Nigeria to leave Biafra alone. The agent continued taking his pictures, boasting in the process that he would make sure the Nigerian government dealt ruthlessly with them. He boasted further that he was sending the pictures right away to the country’s secret service, the State Security Services (SSS). He promised them that the SSS would see to it that they were deported to Nigeria to face Buhari.
Biafrans called his bluff and continued with their demonstration, but warning him to take his camera away and desist from taking unsolicited pictures of them. He remained adamant, and then the Biafrans apprehended him and seized his camera. At that point, he ran off to beckon on law enforcement agents, claiming that the Biafrans had robbed him of his camera. The law officers arrested everybody and took them to the station. At the station, the officers found the unsolicited pictures in his camera, and started asking him rigorously questions. When he realized that the case was turning against him, he sneaked out of the station and escaped. But unfortunately for him, the law enforcers already had his particulars and so charged the case to court.
The IPOB leader then revealed that the reason why the Buhari visit did not yield much fruit was because he (Buhari) was preoccupied with finding ways of avoiding the encounter with the Biafran agitators that he did not have time to prepare for the visit. Events that happened after the visit appeared to have proved him right. It is on record that at the end of the visit, a White House official was reported to have said that the USA leadership was disappointed with the visit. “May be we are not reading from the same script, but the overall message by Barack is that they should get themselves together then get back to us” he was reported to have told some journalists.
Reports also indicated that overall, the White House was disappointed that Buhari’s contingent had no presentation about working with USA to salvage their crumbly economy. Another official was said to have quipped, “We are just being polite about this because your President doesn’t seem to understand a whole lot about government.” It was difficult for the Americans to understand how a president whose country’s currency exchange was worsening in value would visit an important country like the United States without an economic team. For many Biafrans who spoke on the impending legal battle between Biafra and Nigeria in the USA, “it is payback time for Nigeria”. One of them quipped: “The promise we are making to Nigerians is that their country will be many more steps closer to its grave after this court case”.

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