that bail was granted to Nnamdi Kanu by the DSS even when official
statement had not been made concerning the reason for his arrest from
Buhari who ordered the Arrest or DSS who implemented it. Many questions
were raised as regards to the arrest, making international and local
civil rights group question if he was arrested or kidnapped by DSS. All
of a sudden Nnamdi kanu was said to be arraigned before a magistrate
court in abuja without his own defense nor the magistrate that granted
the laughable bail named in print. It is an obvious embarrassment to a
country in 21st century to handle an international figure the way
Nigeria is doing notwithstanding the eyes of the world is on them.
organization had asked a number of question as to the crimes Nnamdi
Kanu was charged with and the questionable processes that led to his
continual detention or conditional bail. Recall that President Muhammad
Buhari ousted a democratically elected President in the past and used a
Decree 2 of 1984 in languishing people in prison without measures. He
however has manifested his dictatorial attributes since he came into
power by killing and bombing Biafrans instead of the all-out warfare
expected against Boko haram. He has approached the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu
like a dictator and tyrant he is and thereby contradicting everything
democracy stands for. He hanky-panky-ly arraigned an innocent man and
applied decree 2 of 1984 by demanding ten million surelty of a civil
servant of level sixteen with landed property in Abuja which is
impossible to get as no salaryies of a civil servant can reach the
conditions. This process had further put Nigeria existence with Biafra
in doubt as Nnamdi kanu is evidence of all he said that Nigeria does to
Biafrans. If an international figure like Nnamdi kanu can go through
this injustice then the world have no choice but to recognize Biafra as a
sovereign state.
recognition of Biafra will only save lives and end lawlessness and
killings meted on indigeonous people. If Nnamdi Kanu known to mankind
can be treated with such injustices, detained and tortured what then is
always the fate of all Biafrans that are not known to the world. We call
on all civilized nations to rescue us by recognizing and upholding
Republic of Biafra.
By Ifeanyi Chijioke
(For Family Writers)
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